
The Routing Report first saw light of day on the 23rd February 1999. The Internet was seeing explosive commercial growth then, and no one was closely examining the rapid changes in the global Internet routing table. There were no published reports, and the CIDR Report was then used as a marketing tool by ISPs wishing to show off how "big" they were. With the encouragement of APNIC and many colleagues in the industry, I started producing the daily Routing Report, taking a more detailed look at the state of the Internet routing table by each Regional Internet Registry.

The Routing Report repository on this site is focused mainly on the Global Research and Education network infrastructure, and aims to assist the R&E community with improving routing announcements made to the global Internet. A detailed explanation of the daily routing report documents how the report assists networks operators, and what each field means. The technical discussion of what goes on behind the scenes to bring this report to this site is also available.

Data Sources and Analysis Results

Analysis is carred out on the BGP data obtained from various Internet backbone routers around the world.

R&E Data

Data from the current participants are listed below. These sites are updated every day between 17:00 and 23:30 GMT

AARNET/Brisbane (Australia) AARNET/Seattle (Australia) AIT (Thailand)
ASREN (Arab States) BDREN (Bangladesh) CANARIE (Canada)
CEDIA (Ecuador) CENIC (California) CERNET (China)
DrukREN (Bhutan) Erdemnet (Mongolia) ESnet (US)
GARNET (Ghana) GÉANT (Europe) GOREX (Guam)
Internet2 (US) Janet (UK) KENET (Kenya)
KREONet2 (Korea) MARWAN (Morocco) PacWave (US)
PERN (Pakistan) REANNZ (New Zealand) RedCLARA (Latin America)
RENU (Uganda)* SingAREN (Singapore) TENET (South Africa)
ThaiREN (Thailand) UbuntuNet (Eastern & Southern Africa) University of Guam
University of Hawaii University of the South Pacific* URAN (Ukraine)
WACREN (Western & Central Africa) ZAMREN (Zambia)

Note: The entries marked with * are sending the Global Routing Table.

The summary for each participant also includes:

Scroll to the bottom of the respective summary page for that data.

The map below allows clickable access to each R&E network listed above, and also shows the extent of the geographical coverage of each.

View map in fullscreen | Download map PNG

Some combined results from the above feeds are gradually becoming available as (my) time allows.

Commodity Internet

For reference purposes data from the commodity Internet is sampled from these locations. The statistics available are as those available from the R&E specific sites.

AARNET/Brisbane (Australia) Guam (Uni of Guam)
RouteViews (Oregon) Singapore (Equinix)

Historical Data

Each of the above participant reports also includes a link to the historical data for that participant. Scroll to the bottom of the participant's summary page for a link to access that data.

Daily Highlights

Tables of daily highlights are shown below. These are summaries across all the feeds documented here.

IPv4 Highlights IPv6 Highlights

Per ISO-3166 Economy Summaries

Per economy (according to ISO-3166 codes) summaries are available using the RouteViews (Oregon) source data. The purpose of this is to help the local network operator community work together to improve their IPv4 aggregation and announcement quality.

Deaggregation data Prefix announcement data Address span data


NSRC's validator is available at We make this available for network operators who wish to check the validation status of prefixes being announced to the Internet.

The current RPKI data obtained from NSRC's validator cache are provided here for reference. Note that NSRC's validator uses TALs from AfriNIC, APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC, and RIPE NCC, as well as APNIC's and LACNIC's AS0 TAL.

Latest: IPv4 ROAs IPv6 ROAs
Historical: IPv4 ROAs IPv6 ROAs


The three most popular validators run today are NLnetLabs Routinator, NIC Mexico's FORT, and RPKI-client. NSRC provides daily snapshots of the respective VRP totals as seen by each validator.

The following table provides access to the current and historical data.

Latest: Validator Status Validator Status with AS0 TALs
Historical: Validator Status

Mailing Lists

There are two mailing lists available for anyone interested in seeing the reports produced from the various data described on this site. Each can be subscribed to via the following links:


I would like to acknowledge and thank NSRC for supporting this activity, for hosting the website, and for providing this system to capture, process and store the data.

NSRC is partially sponsored by the International Research Network Connections (IRNC) program in the National Science Foundation's Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) via NSF grant award #2029309.

Philip Smith

This page last updated Friday, 27-Sep-2024 01:30:52 UTC

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